Pathology Society

PathSoc Dundee is a medical society focused on Pathology. Pathology is a varied specialty that studies diseases and plays a significant role in determining management plans for patients. The Royal College of Pathologists recognises eight fields within this area of medicine. The four most common areas are Histopathology, Haematology, Chemical Pathology, and Microbiology/Virology. PathSoc Dundee is connected to the Pathology department at Ninewells. Throughout the year, we plan to organise teaching sessions, career talks, and more! Our goal is to demonstrate the importance of Pathology in clinical practice and to inspire more medical students to consider a future career in this specialty. Please feel free to get in touch with us by emailing or messaging us on our Facebook page. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to receive notifications about our events!

Contact us


Instagram: dundeepathsoc
