
HERES Some Testimonials from past DUMS' COMMITTEE MEMBERS...

Well what can I say about my experience of being on DUMS… In short, after four amazing years on committee moving up the ranks to now being President, I really don’t want to say goodbye. Like honesty, I really don’t want to give it up but I hear getting a full-time job means I have to. DUMS for me is much more than organising events for students. It’s a society that brings together students from all walks of life; it’s a society that reminds students of the importance of balance amidst the craziness of medicine; and, it’s a society that above all has brought myself, and many other students a lot of happiness (except the day after every event when I check my bank account!). Honestly, if any of the above sounds a little like you then please do apply!! Not only will it allow you to develop some skills which will add to your CV; however, by joining DUMS means you will also get some crazy memories and friends that will last a lifetime - that’s one of my favourite parts.
- Christie Smith, President 2021

"It truly has been an honour to be on DUMS Committee over the past five years. I started as Events/PR Rep, and then had a lot of fun organising SNIMS 2018 as Sports Rep. I was lucky to then move into positions of higher responsibility as VP, President and Medical Societies Officer. I can't think of a better way to spend your time at University that offers the opportunity to learn new skills, and meet genuinely brilliant people, while also encouraging you to take ownership of creating massive student events that bring people together. Joining DUMS Committee has ultimately been the best decision I've ever made, and I'd strongly urge anyone and everyone to at least give it a shot! Thanks for the ride!"
- Sam Donnelly, President 2020

"I've dedicated 2 years of my life to Dumsbo's Balls, and I've enjoyed handling them so much that I can't imagine a DUMS-less life anymore"
- Miles Keenan, Ball Rep 2020-22

"The best year of med school without a doubt. If you're doubting medicine as a career, what better way to see if events planning is more suited for you".
- Lisa Thirgood, Ball Rep 2020-22

"Being one of the sports representatives for DUMS this year has truly been an honour. It has been an excellent experience working with such a driven committee that get so much done and are motivated to make the student experience the best it can be. The highlight for me this year was of course organising SNIMS. The event brought together over 1000 medical students from across Scotland and Northern Ireland who otherwise wouldn't have all gathered together. This was only possible with the support and determination from DUMS and it's can do attitude which cements it as the number one society at Dundee and perhaps Scotland too."
- Cameron McCloskey, Sports Rep 2021

"My 3rd year of uni so far has been the best yet and being on DUMS has definitely been a major part of that! It’s helped me form some new friendships and bonds as well as putting on events which has been extra special after the last two years we’ve had due to COVID! I honestly couldn’t recommend it enough and would go as far as saying that you’ve not had a true Dundee uni experience unless u have a year on the best soc on campus"
- Costanza Cascio, Secretary 2022

"Being on DUMS is such a great experience, working with amazingly fun but hardworking people. It’s a fantastic way to get to know medics in all years both on committee and at the events we throw- there’s a real sense of community. DUMS certainly isn’t a society where you’ll have a title for your CV and that’s about it, but the hard work pays off when you let loose at the countless events, balls, and nights out throughout the year (that you’ll be proud to have organised!). I’ve learned so much being on committee, it’s an honour to be part of undoubtedly one of the biggest and best societies in the UK, and not an opportunity you want to miss out on!"
- Nina Jarto, Events Rep 2021

"I’ve loved every minute of my time on DUMS committee and am so sad it is coming to an end. Bring on the committee has meant I can take part in organising events such as Gaudie and SNIMS and I’m so happy to have helped put on these events for our members. You genuinely feel like you’re part of a family with the committee and I’d recommend everyone to run for a position, you won’t regret it!"
- Matthew Palin, Treasurer 2021

"Meeting DUMS at the freshers' ball was one of my most memorable uni experiences so far. Being in a society with such welcoming people from all years in the medical school was such a comfort to have. The amount of advice I’ve been given from them on how medical school actually is and on how important this society is in ensuring the social aspect of medicine is something I truly appreciate and will keep with me throughout the whole of uni. Despite having been the only first year on the society, I’d never felt as if that was the case as I feel I’ve really made some great friends from it. It was also very useful in meeting a lot of people from my own year, being infamously known as the first year DUMS rep after they’d all seen a bit too much of me at the ball lmao."
- Nayel Nacef, Year 1 Rep 2021


"DUMS is a society that has made medicine not only bearable but genuinely enjoyable. Over the years DUMS' events have allowed me to meet some of my closest friends and it was so special getting to be a part of creating these opportunities for everyone this year. Especially with everything that has gone on in the past couple of years- being a part of the committee which has such a big impact on students experience is ridiculously rewarding!! I’ve been fortunate enough to get to work with some amazing folk this year!! Would recommend this committee to everyone and anyone!"
  - Laura Collins, Events Rep 2021

"There’s one thing that all Dundee medics have in common and that’s DUMS!! Being a part of this committee is a fantastic and rare opportunity to help preserve and improve the social lives of your peers (and your own of course!). Helping to create and deliver many of the best nights of the year (Summer ball, Shotomania, and SNIMS to name only a few) is an extremely fulfilling experience and one I HIGHLY encourage you to try…long may DUMS continue."
- Ruaridh Glancy, Secretary 2021

"Being one of the sports reps this year has been extremely rewarding. From facing another possible year of no SNIMS, to helping organise this amazing competition, and managing to succeed despite all the set-backs... was incredible."
- Dan Ross, Sports Rep 2021