Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics Society

The Dundee University Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics Society (SMO) are a student led society who aim to deliver teaching and career insight opportunities in MSK medicine. Our events so far have included: a series of junior doctor-led practical workshops covering trauma management and MSK examination; career insight seminars with both sports medicine and orthopaedic specialists; MSK anatomy and mock OSCE teaching; plaster casting workshops; information evenings on developing a surgical portfolio and planning an elective and most recently a series of online webinars focused on trauma management. We have also welcomed a number of prestigious speakers to the University including the UK’s first female Sports Medicine consultant Dr Jane Dunbar, the Team GB Chief Medical Officer Dr Niall Elliot, Scottish Rugby team medical officer Dr James Robson MBE and leading World Rugby medic Dr Alastair Nicol. We were also delighted to host our inaugural national undergraduate conference last year, welcoming over 80 delegates and speakers from across Scotland. Delegates participated in various practical workshops, from ultrasound imaging to pitchside management and fracture fixation using orthopaedic tools. We have recently launched a website, which we are currently populating with custom made MSK revision and study resources targeted specifically at undergraduate student level. We are very excited to work together with our new committee to continue providing new and exciting events in the upcoming year!

Introduction Video:

Contact us


Instagram: @dundeesmo


Twitter: DundeeSMO
