The President's Cup

The President’s Cup is awarded to each new president of DUMS at the annual handover prizegiving ceremony. This cup was donated by Sam Donnelly in 2021 to encourage the practice of keeping tradition within DUMS, in the hope that the “right of passage” of Dundee Medical Students is honored and respected by future presidents. But also to encourage future presidents to start their own traditions.

The Committee's Cup

The Committee's Cup is awarded by the current DUMS President at the annual handover prizegiving ceremony to a DUMS Committee member who has gone above and beyond their role on committee. This cup was donated by Sam Donnelly in 2021 to encourage and acknowledge participation and initiative from committee members within the DUMS committee. 

2023: Nadia Al-Haddad

2022: Cameron McCloskey

2021: Miles Keenan


The shield is passed between SNIMS host universities each year, and is to be won on Saturday Night for the best overall University! The SNIMS shield was donated in 2013 to the Scottish and Northern Irish medical school societies by the Royal Air Force.